Summer’s drawing to a close, but the 2011 Winning Work Teams Speaking Tour rolls on….
Next stop: Tuesday, September 27, 11:30 AM-2:00 PM at the Orlando Museum of Art where we partner with Eidson Insurance to present “How to Create a High Performance Culture, Part II.” We’ll be presenting some practical tips companies can effectively use to increase productivity, reduce employee turnover and improve profit margins by effective employee engagement strategies.
This annual event is sponsored by our good partner, Eidson Insurance, and draws some of the best HR practitioners from throughout Central Florida, so it’s a great opportunity for networking and best practices sharing. Please RSVP to or call (407) 849-0333 and ask for Vickie.
As strategic Orlando Human Resources consultants and business advisors, we highly recommend this event to our clients and interested public. There is no charge. Free lunch, too!
We hope to see you there!