Before too much time passes, we want to share a special “thank you” to Ariel Sanabria of the Center for Independent Living in facilitating our recent public speaking engagement on Thursday, May 12 before the Business Advisory Council of Central Florida regarding the Americans with Disabiliites Act (“ADA”). As Orlando strategic...
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Winning Work Teams Blog
Florida Minimum Wage To Hike June 1
Posted by Rick LarsonThe Florida mimimun wage hikes to $7.31/hour on June 1, 2011. Florida voters passed a consititutional amendment in 2004 that requires annual review of the state minimum wage by the Agency for Workforce Innovation using an established formula. The raise covers all workers currently covered by the Federal minimum wage law,...
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Winning Work Teams to Keynote Business Advisory Council
Posted by Rick LarsonJust a reminder: we’ll be speaking on the topic: “The Americans with Disabilities Act: Practical Tips that Employers Need to Know,” next Thursday, May 12, 2011. This event, sponsored by the Business Advisory Council of Central Florida, presents a step-by-step approach to understanding this important piece of civil rights legislation...
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